Nikki grew up in Celeryville, Ohio and then attended Calvin College in Michigan where she ran
cross country and track while earning a BA in exercise Science. She then worked as a graduate assistant
collecting research in the motor control lab while completing her Doctorate in Physical Therapy at Ohio
University. After working at a sports specialty clinic in Chicago for 1 year she joined the team at LFPT in
2008. She is now part owner and while she enjoys the variety of diagnoses that a small-town clinic
brings, she specializes in running related injuries and female and adolescent athletes. Nikki is Graston
certified and often uses manual techniques and soft tissue work in addition to prescribing therapeutic
exercises and movement retraining.
Nikki continues to run competitively and has moved from the track and road to be more trail
focused. She has completed more than 13 marathons and multiple ultras. She serves on the Board of the
Bellingham Distance Project, a local sub -elite club team where she mentors and provides PT for other
competitive runners. Nikki has helped to coach cross country and track at Lynden Christian since around
2012 and she also coaches adult runners online. She is a certified running coach through UESCA and is
passionate about continuing to learn and stay up to date in the best practices and latest research in all
aspects of running, coaching, and PT. When she isn’t running, she enjoys yoga, biking, hiking, rock
climbing, golf, and as much travel and adventure as possible.