Your insurance coverage is an agreement between you and your insurance company. As a courtesy to you, we will bill your insurance for your care. As a part of your contract with them, your plan may require you to meet certain dollar amount thresholds before paying for your therapy (i.e. co-pays, co-insurance, and/or deductibles), and our office will confirm your benefits and responsibility at your first visit. Their quote of benefits does not guarantee payment. If your coverage changes at any time during your care, please notify our front office so we can bill accurately. Once your insurance has processed the claims, we will send you a monthly statement for the balance.
Lynden Family Physical Therapy is contracted as In-Network with the following insurance companies. We do not bill insurance carriers that are not contracted with us. Please be sure to check that your insurance card includes one of these carriers’ logos before scheduling:
First Choice Health Network
Kaiser Permanente
Kaiser Permanente Med Advantage
Labor & Industries/Private Workman’s Comp Carriers
MODA (Aetna Network)
Motor Vehicle Accident Carriers – PIP coverage is required
Optum Care Network
Premera Blue Cross
Railroad Medicare
Regence Blue Shield
Tricare for Life
Uniform Medical Plan (Regence Network)
- We do not accept Medicare Advantage plans except those specifically listed above.
- All Medicare Supplement plans will be accepted.
- We offer self-pay options for patients with no insurance. Payable at time of service.
Cancellations/No-Show Fees: We kindly ask for 24-hour advance notice when you are not able to keep your appointment. Doing this allows us to offer that time to another patient. No-shows or cancels the day-of could result in a $50 fee. This fee is not billable to your insurance and will be your responsibility.
If you have questions about your coverage, please contact our office at (360)354-0585.